Wolfram U

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53 results

Exploring AI Foundations with Wolfram Tools
Instructor Led | FREE

Certification Levels: CompletionLevel 1Level 2

This three-part course sequence guides you in using the computational power of Wolfram technologies as a foundation for reliable AI systems. Discover concepts in machine learning, explore the Neural Net Repository and learn to use LLMs.

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Neural Networks Basic Concepts
Video Lesson | FREE

Learn the fundamentals of neural networks and even train your own convolutional network. Discover how Wolfram Language provides an integrated, high-level approach to interfacing with neural nets, enabling you to skip the low-level programming and focus on building sophisticated networks symbolically.

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New in Wolfram 14.1 Webinar Series
Archived Event | FREE

Version 14.1 of Wolfram Language and Mathematica is here with the latest from our R&D pipeline. This series of five webinars showcases new tools for working with neural nets and LLMs, finding differences in content, working with images and videos and exploring scientific evaluations through biomolecules, astrophysics and more.

Course Overview
  • Video 187 minutes
  • Video 289 minutes
  • Video 383 minutes
  • Video 489 minutes
  • Video 587 minutes
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What Is ChatGPT Doing ... and Why Does It Work?
(Study Group Sessions)
Archived Event | FREE

Find out what's going on inside ChatGPT and explore why it can perform so well at producing meaningful text. This Study Group is based on a best-selling book by Stephen Wolfram and provides an accessible and engaging explanation for the success of ChatGPT.

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Wolfram Language and LLMs
Instructor Led | FREE

Certification Levels: Completion

Modern LLMs can be incorporated into traditional computational workflows and used to power programming operations. This course will show you different ways you can use LLM technology alongside Wolfram Language, including how to use the conversational interface of Chat Notebooks and the programmatic operations possible with LLM functions.

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Daily Study Group: An Elementary Introduction to Wolfram Language
Special Event | FREE

Certification Levels: CompletionLevel 1

Learn to use Wolfram Language and apply modern computational thinking with lessons from the interactive open course and the accompanying book by Stephen Wolfram, now in its third edition. Wolfram certified instructor Rory Foulger leads this group with assistance from Wolfram education programs staff.

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Introduction to Machine Learning in Wolfram Language

Requirements: This course requires basic working knowledge of Wolfram Language.

Certification Levels: Completion

This course introduces some of the basic concepts of machine learning as well as easy-to-use machine learning superfunctions available in Wolfram Language. You will learn how to perform supervised and unsupervised learning tasks with just a few lines of code.

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Introduction to Neural Networks in Wolfram Language
Instructor Led | FREE

Requirements: This course requires basic working knowledge of Wolfram Language.

Certification Levels: Completion

This course provides an introduction to the state-of-the-art Neural Net Framework in Wolfram Language. Learn about the Neural Net Repository and transfer learning, as well as how to train, test and look inside a neural net.

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The Neural Net Framework: A Gentle Introduction
Video Course | FREE

Learn how neural networks can be viewed as differentiable programs in the context of calculus. The course covers fundamental concepts related to building, training and validating neural net models. See how the symbolic nature of Wolfram Language and the Neural Net Framework itself make it easy to take apart layers in the network and create visualizations to help you understand how it works.

Course Overview
  • Video 111 minutes
  • Video 28 minutes
  • Video 311 minutes
  • Video 47 minutes
  • Video 54 minutes
  • Video 617 minutes
  • Video 76 minutes
  • Video 84 minutes
  • Video 912 minutes
  • Video 104 minutes
  • Video 1119 minutes
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Video Creation, Editing and Analysis Using Wolfram Language
Video Course | FREE

Learn how to create, edit, process and analyze videos with Wolfram Language. You can capture videos using webcams, or create them using files, images, existing video clips or built-in functions that create individual frames. Then learn how to cut, alter and compose video footage with dedicated functions for video editing and processing. You can also learn how to enhance video quality, perform color correction and combine videos and images using overlays and grids. This course includes examples of applying machine learning and neural networks to process videos and recognize objects, faces, speech or actions in the videos.

Course Overview
  • Video 122 minutes
  • Video 225 minutes
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Zero to AI in 60 Minutes
Video Course | FREE

Follow this video series to get started with machine learning in Wolfram Language. Examples demonstrate machine learning concepts and the automated machine learning capabilities in Wolfram Language.

Course Overview
  • Video 17 minutes
  • Video 28 minutes
  • Video 311 minutes
  • Video 415 minutes
  • Video 521 minutes
  • Video 611 minutes
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An Overview of Deep Neural Networks Applications

An Overview of Deep Neural Networks Applications
Video Lesson | FREE

This video lesson shows many examples of problems that can be solved with deep neural nets, including image classification, sequence prediction, speech recognition and question answering.

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An Overview of Machine Learning in Wolfram Language

An Overview of Machine Learning in Wolfram Language
Video Lesson | FREE

This video gives an overview of the highly automated machine learning framework in Wolfram Language, which allows you to do so much with just a few lines of code. You will learn about high-level functions that are task oriented and can be applied to a variety of input such as text, images and numeric data. Examples include building a simple image search and classification system, topic classification of text and prediction of sale prices of homes.

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Analyzing Text to Answer Fact-Based Questions

Analyzing Text to Answer Fact-Based Questions
Video Lesson | FREE

This video class introduces FindTextualAnswer, the built-in Wolfram Language function that combines well-established techniques for information retrieval with state-of-the-art deep learning techniques to find answers in text. FindTextualAnswer analyzes text and can yield several possible answers, the probabilities of those answers being correct and other properties that can help you understand the context of each answer in response to your specific, fact-based questions. In this class, you will learn the scope of this function and some practical applications, as well as gain insights into how it is implemented and the deep learning approach available in the Wolfram Language.

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Applying Neural Networks Webinar Series

Applying Neural Networks Webinar Series
Archived Event | FREE

This webinar series takes you on a deep dive into the latest workflows for building, training and evaluating neural networks. See how neural net models are used to solve complex processing tasks involving image, audio and natural language data. Sessions include hands-on demonstrations, showing real-world applications using the latest built-in Wolfram Language functionality and neural net models. Pretrained models from the Neural Net Repository and customized models are shown.

Course Overview
  • Video 16 minutes
  • Video 245 minutes
  • Video 322 minutes
  • Video 46 minutes
  • Video 517 minutes
  • Video 642 minutes
  • Video 711 minutes
  • Video 88 minutes
  • Video 957 minutes
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Automated Data Science

Automated Data Science
Video Course | FREE

Learn about machine learning functions that have been tuned to automate the data science process. This video course shows examples of using computation with data that go beyond traditional statistical methods and highlight the role of automated modeling in the modern data science process. Automated classification and regression functionalities are demonstrated using the built-in Wolfram Language symbols Classify and Predict.

Course Overview
  • Video 135 minutes
  • Video 225 minutes
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Automated Structure Discovery: Unsupervised Learning

Automated Structure Discovery: Unsupervised Learning
Video Lesson | FREE

The Wolfram Language has functions that work directly on many types of data and automatically extract some sort of structure from it. FindClusters, ClusteringTree and ClusteringComponents are examples of functions that perform the unsupervised learning task of clustering. ClusterClassify classifies new samples based on information gathered from unlabeled input data via clustering. Other functions like FeatureExtract, FeatureNearest, FeatureSpacePlot and DimensionReduce provide tools for automatic exploration of the data in the feature space. This video introduces these functions to get you started on unsupervised machine learning tasks. It is suitable for beginners without previous knowledge of machine learning.

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Back to School with AI Tools and Wolfram

Back to School with AI Tools and Wolfram
Video Lesson | FREE

This video explains how generative AI can be used to help students meet their learning goals and also help teachers teach and assess critical and creative thinking skills.

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Biodiversity Explorations with Machine Learning
(Study Group Sessions)

Biodiversity Explorations with Machine Learning
(Study Group Sessions)
Archived Event | FREE

Learn to apply machine learning techniques and Wolfram Language functions to biodiversity data. These Study Group sessions begin by introducing you to biodiversity data access functions available with the entity framework built into the Wolfram Language and in the Wolfram Function Repository. Later sessions cover examples of classification, social media text analysis, audio processing of bird sounds and deploying a trained neural network image classifier to your mobile phone. Each session includes lessons, polls to review key concepts and practice problems.

Course Overview
  • Video 147 minutes
  • Video 239 minutes
  • Video 344 minutes
  • Video 445 minutes
  • Video 577 minutes
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Building and Training Basic Neural Networks

Building and Training Basic Neural Networks
Video Lesson | FREE

The Wolfram Language neural network framework provides symbolic building blocks to build, train and tune a network as well as automatically process input and output using encoders and decoders. Learn how to do this in steps, along with examples of logistic regression and basic image recognition.

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Building Applications with the Wolfram Neural Net Repository

Building Applications with the Wolfram Neural Net Repository
Video Lesson | FREE

Learn to build applications using the neural network models available in the Wolfram Neural Net Repository. This class showcases existing models in the repository and the different tasks for which they are intended, such as classification, feature extraction, image processing, regression, language modeling and more, with new models and new application areas being added all the time. Use cases showing applications built by students from Wolfram summer programs are shared. Learn to leverage available models to create your own applications.

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Building Blocks for Deep Learning

Building Blocks for Deep Learning
Video Course | FREE

This video course explores how to construct neural networks in the Wolfram Language. The Wolfram Language neural network framework provides symbolic building blocks to build, train and tune a network, as well as automatically process input and output using encoders and decoders. You'll learn how to build feed-forward networks and about recurrent neural nets and why they are interesting.

Course Overview
  • Video 128 minutes
  • Video 227 minutes
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Built-in Machine Learning in Wolfram Language

Built-in Machine Learning in Wolfram Language
Video Lesson | FREE

You can apply machine learning to diverse subject areas without expert-level knowledge with the help of Wolfram Language. Even though you can build complicated models from scratch, you can also use any of the existing, pre-trained models on different inputs like text, numbers and images. This video introduces the many machine learning functions available for such wide-ranging tasks as image identification, text recognition, sentiment classification and others.

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ChatGPT Meets Wolfram|Alpha: A Tale of Two AIs

ChatGPT Meets Wolfram|Alpha: A Tale of Two AIs
Video Lesson | FREE

In this video, you will learn the basics of these two different technologies as well as tips for how best to use them. You will also observe the advantage of combining the two approaches with the help of the Wolfram Plugin for ChatGPT and the built-in LLM functions in Wolfram Language.

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Course Type

  • Interactive Courses
  • Video Lessons
  • Video Courses
  • Instructor-led Courses
  • Archived and Special Events

Interactive Courses

Also known as MOOCs (massive open online courses), these courses are hosted on the Wolfram Cloud and allow you to interactively explore concepts using Wolfram Language functionality.

  • Self-paced with progress tracking

  • Include video lessons, exercises and problems, quizzes, exams and a scratch notebook

  • Sharable completion certificates available for all courses

  • Wolfram Level 1 proficiency certifications available for select courses

Video Lessons

Short recorded lessons that provide limited instruction on a computational topic or for using Wolfram tech.

  • Quick-start videos

  • Lessons from content experts

  • A wide variety of beginner-level lessons

  • Free to watch

Video Courses

Video series that build on preceding lessons to provide comprehensive instruction.

  • Each video course features a playlist of sequential lessons

  • Recorded by Wolfram certified instructors

  • Comprehensive coverage of a particular topic

  • Free to watch

Instructor-led Courses

Scheduled as online and in-person classes, these courses provide comprehensive instruction guided by a live instructor.

  • Registration required to reserve your seat

  • Taught by Wolfram certified instructors

  • Opportunity to pose live questions to experts in the room

  • Course completion certificates available

Archived and Special Events

Presentations by Wolfram developers, content experts and instructors.

  • Webinars on special topics and new release functionality

  • Livecoding sessions

  • Wolfram Daily Study Groups

  • Free to watch