Wolfram U

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114 results

Hands-on Start to Wolfram Mathematica Training Tutorials

Hands-on Start to Wolfram Mathematica Training Tutorials
Special Event | FREE

Certification Levels: AttendanceLevel 1

Join a free online training session to learn different ways to interact with Mathematica—enter queries through free-form input and Wolfram Language, create notebooks, perform symbolic and numeric calculations, generate 2D and 3D graphics, create an interactive Manipulate, analyze data and turn your notebook into an interactive presentation. This is an exciting opportunity to learn directly from the authors of the book Hands-on Start to Wolfram Mathematica and Programming with the Wolfram Language and ask questions during the interactive Q&A. Participants will need access to either Mathematica for the desktop or Mathematica Online to utilize the hands-on aspects of this training.

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Hands-on Start to Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition

Hands-on Start to Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition
Video Lesson | FREE

Learn the basics of using Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition—use free-form input to enter math and science calculations, create interactive notebooks, calculate problems numerically or symbolically and see step-by-step solutions, assign variables and define functions, create 2D and 3D graphics and make them interactive, and turn your notebook into a dynamic presentation. Topics are based on content from the book Hands-on Start to Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition. Explore these topics in more detail with the free online Hands-on Start to Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition training tutorials. This content requires no prior experience with Wolfram Notebooks or Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition.

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Hour of Code with Wolfram

Hour of Code with Wolfram
Archived Event | FREE

Wolfram U is hosting an Hour of Code during Computer Science Education Week. Invite someone you would like to introduce to the world of computation and AI and join Wolfram U instructors online for an hour of coding. No experience needed. We'll work together on a fun and guided exploration, using simple but powerful Wolfram Language functions. End the hour knowing you can use Wolfram Language creatively with AI to add a computational perspective to any topic.

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How to Connect Your Device to the Wolfram Language

How to Connect Your Device to the Wolfram Language
Video Lesson | FREE

Learn to write a Wolfram Device Framework driver to collect and analyze sensor data and programmatically control actuators, motors and indicators with connected devices. Explore how to connect devices using a variety of tools, including LibraryLink, WSTP, J/Link and more. This class assumes some familiarity with the Wolfram Language and connected devices.

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Hybrid Computing Quick Start

Hybrid Computing Quick Start
Video Lesson | FREE

One of the unique strengths of the Wolfram Language is its ability to take advantage of symbolic computation and exact numbers when solving numerical problems. This ability allows users to find the right answer in many cases where purely approximate methods would fail and opens up a world of powerful hybrid symbolic-numeric methods. In this class you'll get a look under the hood at some of the ways the numerics of the Wolfram Language benefit from its symbolics and how method selection is automatically inferred. The class is for those who have a basic familiarity with numeric and symbolic computation in the Wolfram Language.

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Image Processing and Analysis Quick Start

Image Processing and Analysis Quick Start
Video Lesson | FREE

This class introduces the highly optimized image processing tools and powerful functions available in the Wolfram Language for analyzing and manipulating image data. The class is for those who have an interest in learning how to use the Wolfram Language for image processing tasks. An introductory knowledge of the Wolfram Language and the field of image processing is recommended.

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Integrating the Wolfram Data Framework

Integrating the Wolfram Data Framework
Video Lesson | FREE

Learn how to improve and extend your external data sources with the built-in data framework in the Wolfram Language. An overview of the framework's decade-long development history is provided, from the original Wolfram Language data functions to the launch of Wolfram|Alpha and the availability of the Wolfram Data Repository. Explore the extensive set of built-in entities, create lists from imported raw data, build datasets, visualize data and learn how to integrate the computational power of the Wolfram Language into your projects.

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Interacting with Blockchains

Interacting with Blockchains
Video Lesson | FREE

This recorded livecoding session showcases features and functions available in Wolfram Language for reading and writing data to blockchains.

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Introduction to Cryptography

Introduction to Cryptography
Interactive Course | FREE

Requirements: This course requires a basic understanding of number theory, algorithms, discrete mathematics and modular arithmetic and basic-level skills in any programming language.

Certification Levels: Completion

This course gives an introduction to the concepts, underlying math, principles and techniques of historic and modern cryptography; ties cryptographic protocols to real-world scenarios; and gives a necessary understanding of issues related to information security in general.

Course Overview
  • Section 122 minutes
  • Section 213 minutes
  • Section 326 minutes
  • Section 416 minutes
  • Section 545 minutes
  • Section 650 minutes
  • Section 745 minutes
  • Section 816 minutes
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Introduction to Image Processing

Introduction to Image Processing
Interactive Course | FREE

Requirements: This course requires basic working knowledge of the Wolfram Language.

Certification Levels: CompletionLevel 1

Make cutting-edge image processing simple with Wolfram Language. Learn the fundamentals of digital image processing, including image representation and classical operations on images. This course emphasizes practical applications and understandable explanations of how image operations work. Numerous examples are included to illustrate standard applications.

Course Overview
  • Section 138 minutes
  • Section 241 minutes
  • Section 336 minutes
  • Section 426 minutes
  • Section 536 minutes
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Introduction to Neural Networks

Introduction to Neural Networks
Video Lesson | FREE

Learn about the properties of neural networks, their component layers, how to combine operations in a chain or graph container and how to train a network using the built-in functions of the Wolfram Language. See the use of encoders and decoders for automatically processing input and output to a network. Follow along step by step as we build a digit classifier from scratch, train a neural network and evaluate its performance.

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Introduction to Notebooks

Introduction to Notebooks
Interactive Course | FREE

Requirements: This course requires no prior knowledge of Mathematica or the Wolfram Language.

Certification Levels: Completion

Wolfram Notebooks have been widely adopted as the modern environment for technical workflows. In this course, you will be introduced to these powerful and interactive documents for computation, programming, generating reports and creating presentations. Learn how to style notebooks and create interactive interfaces using built-in Wolfram Language functionality. Generate immediate results with the natural language queries and reach your audience on multiple platforms with universal deployment options.

Course Overview
  • Section 17 minutes
  • Section 216 minutes
  • Section 316 minutes
  • Section 419 minutes
  • Section 525 minutes
  • Section 623 minutes
  • Section 715 minutes
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Introduction to Parallel Computation in the Wolfram Language

Introduction to Parallel Computation in the Wolfram Language
Video Lesson | FREE

This video provides an introduction to parallel computing functionality in the Wolfram Language. Learn how to get the most out of the computing kernels available to you and why you never have to choose between speed and accuracy. We will look at a few examples, discuss applications and learn possible ways to scale across available clusters or machines. The class is for those who have an interest in parallel computing with the Wolfram Language.

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Introduction to Quantum Computing in Wolfram Language

Introduction to Quantum Computing in Wolfram Language
Archived Event | FREE

This archived webinar shows a beginner's guide to quantum computing and the Wolfram Quantum Computation Framework. Learn about the basic principles of quantum mechanics and how it extends to the world of traditional computation.

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Introduction to the Wolfram Quantum Computation Framework
(Study Group Sessions)

Introduction to the Wolfram Quantum Computation Framework
(Study Group Sessions)
Archived Event | FREE

Follow these Daily Study Group sessions for an introduction to the Wolfram Quantum Computation Framework and how to use it in quantum computing. The foundation of the framework is a high-level symbolic expression representation of gates, unitaries, measurements, CPTP channels and so on. The framework is intuitive and flexible enough to model higher-order processes, such as quantum switches, using the several named states and operators built into the framework. Topics include basic concepts of quantum computation, including quantum states, transformations, algorithms, operators, gates, circuits and how to use Wolfram Language to run them on quantum hardware. You will learn how to simulate a quantum computer that operates based on the laws of quantum mechanics with Wolfram Language.

Course Overview
  • Video 163 minutes
  • Video 276 minutes
  • Video 372 minutes
  • Video 476 minutes
  • Video 586 minutes
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Learn to Use a Notebook with Natural Language Input

Learn to Use a Notebook with Natural Language Input
Video Lesson | FREE

Natural language processing means communicating with computers with the same words and syntax you would use in everyday, conversational speaking; specific programming syntax is not required. This video shows you how to quickly get started coding in the Wolfram Language by using natural language input.

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Learning about LLMs Webinar Series

Learning about LLMs Webinar Series
Archived Event | FREE

Learn about large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and understand how they work with the help of a symbolic neural net framework. We take a look at interesting applications and show how the computational power of Wolfram Language makes it a unique and valuable tool for working with LLMs. The series begins with a quick start to Wolfram Language tools for LLMs and ends with a panel discussion with Wolfram experts.

Course Overview
  • Video 158 minutes
  • Video 272 minutes
  • Video 342 minutes
  • Video 442 minutes
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Mathematica and Wolfram Language for
Mathematics Research and Study (Study Group Sessions)

Mathematica and Wolfram Language for
Mathematics Research and Study (Study Group Sessions)
Archived Event | FREE

This Daily Study Group is designed especially for mathematics graduate students and research professionals but covers topics of interest to an even wider audience. This Study Group will help you make the most of the built-in functionality available in Wolfram Language for advanced studies and research in mathematics—from special functions and visualization to solving differential equations, as well as number theory, combinatorics, differential geometry and more. Participants are encouraged to prepare for this Study Group by attending a Hands-on Start to Mathematica training tutorial.

Course Overview
  • Video 162 minutes
  • Video 270 minutes
  • Video 348 minutes
  • Video 457 minutes
  • Video 562 minutes
  • Video 643 minutes
  • Video 761 minutes
  • Video 852 minutes
  • Video 941 minutes
  • Video 1021 minutes
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Mathematica: A Speed Date

Mathematica: A Speed Date
Video Lesson | FREE

This course provides a whirlwind tour of Mathematica, showing how decades of research in computation, language and development together with well-thought-out design principles and solid software engineering have guided us in creating a modern computing platform. Key features, including dynamic interactivity, natural language input and numerical/symbolic computation, as well as applications in image processing, control systems, GPU computation and more, will be explored.

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Multiparadigm Data Science

Multiparadigm Data Science
Interactive Course | FREE

Requirements: This course requires basic working knowledge of the Wolfram Language

Certification Levels: CompletionLevel 1Level 2

Multiparadigm Data Science is a rapidly advancing new way to use modern analytical techniques, automated machine learning and human-data interfaces to arrive at better answers. This course introduces the basic concepts of the multiparadigm approach, demonstrating both the flexible, integrated project workflow and the broad computational toolkit that supports it from start to finish. Discover best practices, exploration techniques and ways to leverage high-level Wolfram Language to get real, quantifiable answers to the full range of data science problems.

Course Overview
  • Section 135 minutes
  • Section 225 minutes
  • Section 316 minutes
  • Section 458 minutes
  • Section 524 minutes
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Music Transcription in Wolfram Language

Music Transcription in Wolfram Language
Archived Event | FREE

In this recorded, three-part livecoding series, Christopher Wolfram demonstrates the use of Wolfram Language to analyze and explore audio data. Built-in functions are used to identify the fundamental and harmonic tones corresponding to notes in an imported music file by estimating their frequencies. The technique for separation of notes is showcased with examples. The identified notes, along with their corresponding frequencies and amplitudes, are used to synthesize music. Christopher also shows how all the necessary basic computation steps can be combined to construct generalized functions for music transcription.

Course Overview
  • Video 1107 minutes
  • Video 288 minutes
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Neural Network Applications: Natural Language

Neural Network Applications: Natural Language
Video Course | FREE

This video course demonstrates the state-of the-art natural language processing capabilities in the Wolfram Language. Learn about the different pre-processing steps needed for text data and the process of embedding, or mapping a symbol to a numerical vector. Utilize neural net models for language or any sequence-based tasks. Discover the built-in function FindTextualAnswer that finds answers in sentences, paragraphs and unstructured collections of texts.

Course Overview
  • Video 150 minutes
  • Video 257 minutes
  • Video 322 minutes
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New in Wolfram Language 13 Webinar Series

New in Wolfram Language 13 Webinar Series
Archived Event | FREE

Learn about what's new in the latest major release of Mathematica and the Wolfram Language in this multipart webinar series. The first session features a fast-paced overview of Version 13 plus presentations on new functionality for video computation and machine learning in the Wolfram Language. Each of the later sessions is dedicated to a significant area of new and enhanced functionality: calculus and algebra, graphs and networks, spatial statistics and geometric computation, blockchains, and visualization and geographic visualization.

Course Overview
  • Video 1113 minutes
  • Video 278 minutes
  • Video 3104 minutes
  • Video 473 minutes
  • Video 584 minutes
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New in Wolfram Language 13.1 Webinar Series

New in Wolfram Language 13.1 Webinar Series
Archived Event | FREE

Learn about what's new in the latest release of Wolfram Language in this three-part webinar series. The first session includes an overview of the latest functionality in Version 13.1 as well as a presentation on the new notebook toolbar and other front end improvements. The second webinar covers what's new in calculus and algebra, with a focus on fractional calculus. The third webinar in the series shares updates in machine learning, new video functions and the tree construct.

Course Overview
  • Video 181 minutes
  • Video 275 minutes
  • Video 388 minutes
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Course Type

  • Interactive Courses
  • Video Lessons
  • Video Courses
  • Instructor-led Courses
  • Archived and Special Events

Interactive Courses

Also known as MOOCs (massive open online courses), these courses are hosted on the Wolfram Cloud and allow you to interactively explore concepts using Wolfram Language functionality.

  • Self-paced with progress tracking

  • Include video lessons, exercises and problems, quizzes, exams and a scratch notebook

  • Sharable completion certificates available for all courses

  • Wolfram Level 1 proficiency certifications available for select courses

Video Lessons

Short recorded lessons that provide limited instruction on a computational topic or for using Wolfram tech.

  • Quick-start videos

  • Lessons from content experts

  • A wide variety of beginner-level lessons

  • Free to watch

Video Courses

Video series that build on preceding lessons to provide comprehensive instruction.

  • Each video course features a playlist of sequential lessons

  • Recorded by Wolfram certified instructors

  • Comprehensive coverage of a particular topic

  • Free to watch

Instructor-led Courses

Scheduled as online and in-person classes, these courses provide comprehensive instruction guided by a live instructor.

  • Registration required to reserve your seat

  • Taught by Wolfram certified instructors

  • Opportunity to pose live questions to experts in the room

  • Course completion certificates available

Archived and Special Events

Presentations by Wolfram developers, content experts and instructors.

  • Webinars on special topics and new release functionality

  • Livecoding sessions

  • Wolfram Daily Study Groups

  • Free to watch