Exploring Creative Data Analytics
- Interactive Course
- Beginner
- 1 Certification
Course Level: Beginner
Requirements: This course requires no prior knowledge of Mathematica or Wolfram Language.
Certification Levels: Completion
This course provides a beginner's introduction to applying modern computation to business analytics and working with text, image, video and web data in Wolfram Language. Course lessons explore case studies using real-world data. Working with unstructured real-world data often requires that you analyze and organize the data before you can create visualizations. This course helps you to understand corporate values, culture and strategies as you learn to handle multiple data types in a notebook environment. This interactive course is based on content from the Creative Data Analytics eBook by Fei Du, Kelvin Mischo and Davis Mo, which contains even more examples for applying computations to data analytics in business and accounting.
Featured Products & Technologies: Wolfram Language (available in Mathematica and Wolfram|One)
You'll Learn To
- Import different types of data into Wolfram Language
- Organize and query external data
- Easily find patterns or trends in the data
- Visualize data in a variety of ways
- Work with imported and external data using any of the thousands of functions in Wolfram Language
- Use deep learning to add additional insights into the data
- Add additional external factors to your dataset with Wolfram Language's curated data
Certifications Available
Completion Certificate
Certify your completion of this course by watching course videos and completing all quizzes.
About This Interactive Course
It's free and easy to get started with open interactive courses using the Wolfram Cloud—sign in with your Wolfram ID or create one. No plan is required. This interactive course includes video lessons, quizzes, practice problems and a scratch notebook, all in an easy-to-use interface. From the interactive course, click Track My Progress to chart your certification progress as you go.