Wolfram U

Introduction to Decision Process Theory

  • Interactive Course
  • Intermediate
  • 2 Certifications

Course Level: Intermediate

Requirements: This course requires basic working knowledge of Mathematica or Wolfram Language and familiarity with basic concepts of algebra, linear algebra and calculus. The course does not require prior knowledge of game theory.

Certification Levels: CompletionLevel 1


This course extends classic game theory concepts by introducing a dynamic model extension of game theory. Use a decision process theory (DPT) toolkit based on Wolfram Language to work though the course. The DPT toolkit allows for the prioritization of conceptual understanding over mathematical equation solving, making concepts accessible to not only engineers but also to a more general audience, with applications to business, economics, project management and social behaviors. The course begins with classical topics in game theory and includes an approach to dynamic behavior using streamlines, a concept carried over from fluid flow dynamics. See how game theory can be extended with ideas from geometry, physics and engineering. The author is Professor Gerald H. Thomas, the instructor of a successful engineering course and author of A Field Theory of Games, Volume 1 and Volume 2.

Featured Products & Technologies: Wolfram Language (available in Mathematica and Wolfram|One)

You'll Learn To

  • Solve classical game theory problems in normal form
  • Distinguish solutions for zero-sum and non-zero-sum games
  • Use differential geometry and decision process theory to define a player and codes of conduct
  • Think of behaviors in games as flows and compute their streamlines to capture more of the dynamics
  • Understand how to apply a generalized Nash equilibrium for non-zero-sum games such as Chicken and Prisoner's Dilemma
  • Incorporate irrational behaviors in decision process theory
  • Use stresses to formalize the concept of ownership as well as to account for games with non-perfect information
  • Apply stationary flow examples to time-dependent behaviors

Certifications Available

  • Completion Certificate

    Certify your completion of this course by watching course videos and passing the auto-graded quizzes.

  • Level 1 Certification

    Pass the auto-graded quizzes and final exam to certify your proficiency in decision process theory.

About This Interactive Course

It's free and easy to get started with open interactive courses using the Wolfram Cloud—sign in with your Wolfram ID or create one. No plan is required. This interactive course includes video lessons, quizzes, exercises, a final exam and a scratch notebook, all in an easy-to-use interface. From the interactive course, click Track My Progress to chart your certification progress as you go. Recommended best practice for completing this interactive course is to start with Lesson 1 and progress through the video lessons, taking each quiz in the order it appears in the table of contents.