Wolfram U

Problem Solving for Competitive Math

Estimated Time: 1 h

Course Level: Advanced


Elite STEM programs get more competitive every year, and the difficulty of the math problems increases. Students can use Wolfram Language functions to understand the problems and explore solutions. In this video, learn about the math principles used to solve example problems as well as the tools and functions available in Wolfram Language. Explore sample problems from the American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME), Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) and Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) programs.

Featured Products & Technologies: Wolfram Language (available in Mathematica and Wolfram|One)

You'll Learn To

  • Use Wolfram Language code to solve problems from competitive STEM exams
  • Visualize word problems to better understand approaches to solving them
  • Apply principles of number theory, algebra, combinatorics and discrete calculus
  • Explore the use of estimation as well as direct computation for problems from math competitions
  • Scale up solutions to complicated problems
  • Test solutions and explore associated properties with Wolfram Language functions