Wolfram U

A Guide to Programming with Wolfram Language

  • Interactive Course
  • 5 h
  • Intermediate
  • 2 Certifications

Estimated Time: 5 h

Course Level: Intermediate

Requirements: This course requires basic working knowledge of Wolfram Language

Certification Levels: CompletionLevel 1


Go beyond the basics of programming in Wolfram Language. Learn how to write more complex programs in different programming styles as well as utilize flow control primitives and other features of this high-level programming language. Wolfram Language has a wealth of built-in functions that require little or no programming, but there are special applications that require programming to get the code to do things that go beyond those built-in capabilities. This course offers a collection of useful tips and technical details for intermediate-level programmers.

Featured Products & Technologies: Wolfram Language (available in Mathematica and Wolfram|One)

You'll Learn To

  • Work with the different programming paradigms supported by Wolfram Language
  • Use basic programming structures to achieve complex results
  • Assign values to and work with variables; set up transformation rules
  • Alter special expressions with patterns; understand order of operations
  • Interface with dynamic results, user inputs and different ways of representations of built-in knowledge
  • Make simple labeled visualizations from data and functions
  • Optimize for speed and memory usage; use monitoring and debugging tools
  • Control what is evaluated and when in a given session

Certifications Available

  • Completion Certificate

    Certify your completion of this course by watching course videos and passing the auto-graded quizzes.

    Track My Progress
  • Level 1 Certification

    Once you have completed the course, take the exam to earn your Wolfram Language Level 1 certification.

    See Details

About This Interactive Course

It's free and easy to get started with open interactive courses using the Wolfram Cloud—sign in with your Wolfram ID or create one. No plan is required. This interactive course includes video lessons, quizzes and a scratch notebook, all in an easy-to-use interface. From the interactive course, click Track My Progress to chart your certification progress as you go.