Practical Programming with Wolfram Language
- Instructor Led
- 2 h 30 min
- Intermediate
- 1 Certification
Estimated Time: 2 h 30 min
Course Level: Intermediate
Requirements: This course requires basic working knowledge of Wolfram Language or introductory-level skill in any programming language.
Certification Levels: Completion

This course provides the knowledge, tools and guidance to efficiently create and maintain Wolfram Language projects. Build on your existing programming skills with a quick review of basic syntax and then develop a deeper understanding of patterns, interactive interfaces and cloud deployment. Learn about coding best practices, including error handling and the use of IDEs. This course is designed for Wolfram Language users who are ready to move beyond the fundamentals and create their own programs and interfaces. It is the second course in the Wolfram Language Programming Proficiency three-part course sequence. Part one is Programming Fundamentals and part three is Programming and Development.
Featured Products & Technologies: Wolfram Language (available in Mathematica and Wolfram|One)
- Review of the Basics: Revisit Wolfram Language syntax, including expressions, lists, associations and pure functions, as well as elements of procedural and functional programming.
- Patterns: Use pattern objects, add constraints in multiple ways, build flexible patterns and apply special patterns for strings and options.
- Good Coding Practices: Write readable code, understand how and when to use variable localization, implement error handling and embrace best practices for efficient coding, including the use of IDEs.
- Interfaces and Deployment: Start with a simple Manipulate and build more complex, interactive interfaces with dynamic functionality. Learn to deploy content to the cloud.
- Register Now
Tuesday, June 17
1–3:30pm CDT, 6–8:30pm UTC/GMT| Online | FreeYour local time
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Certifications Available
Completion Certificate
Certify your completion of this course by attending an online class and passing the quiz.