Wolfram U

Principles for Building Dynamic User Interfaces

Estimated Time: 55 min

Course Level: Intermediate


Wolfram Language includes a rich set of primitives for building user interfaces, but the sheer number of functions and options can be overwhelming when you are just starting out. This video discusses the nuances of how to use Dynamic, one of the most basic functions for building responsive and maintainable interfaces. The main focus is on four key principles for designing and developing interfaces: programmatic generation, minimal dynamics, maximum encapsulation and evaluation blocking. The lesson also discusses language primitives for controls, layout, styling and deployment, along with examples of progress indicators and synchronicity issues.

Featured Products & Technologies: Wolfram Language and Wolfram Notebooks (available in Mathematica, Wolfram|One and Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition)

You'll Learn To

  • Understand the nuances of creating user interfaces in Wolfram Language
  • Use the Dynamic function as well as troubleshoot common issues with this function
  • Identify when and where Dynamic should be used or when another function or method might be more appropriate
  • Display progress indicators and handle synchronous updates in user interfaces