Wolfram U

Computation for Social Sciences

Estimated Time: 23 min

Course Level: Beginner


Learn how to use built-in and external data to explore or model concepts and ideas using Wolfram Language. This lesson incorporates examples from literature, history, sociology and political science to showcase Wolfram Language as a complete, integrated and highly automated platform for doing social science. Examples include analyzing text from four Sherlock Holmes books, tracking the fall of the Roman Empire, mapping social networks, creating a machine learning classifier to identify author names and determining political sentiment from tweets.

Featured Products & Technologies: Wolfram Language (available in Mathematica and Wolfram|One)

You'll Learn To

  • Find the frequency of specific words in texts
  • Map the expansion of historical empires over time
  • Create and annotate graphs from social network data
  • Use simple, built-in machine learning tools
  • Import data from external web APIs
  • Visualize trends in data