Computational Astronomy
- Video Lesson
- 22 min
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- Beginner
Estimated Time: 22 min
Course Level: Beginner
This talk presents Wolfram Language functionality for computing and visualizing astronomical data. Built-in functions make it easy to compute dates of astronomical events, such as rise, set, equinox, solstice, conjunction, periapsis and many others. You can investigate properties of black holes with curated data and retrieve solar images from the Helioviewer project with SolarImage, an item available in the Wolfram Function Repository.
Featured Products & Technologies: Wolfram Language (available in Mathematica and Wolfram|One)
You'll Learn To
- Use AstroRiseSet to compute rise and set times for the Moon, the Sun and any astronomical object from anywhere in the solar system
- Compute twilight times to find out when it will be dark enough for astronomical observations
- Find when two objects will be closest in the sky
- Create charts, maps and videos of astronomical events from different locations and dates
- Access curated data to ask about properties of known black holes
- Retrieve solar images and videos as recorded by many orbiting space observatories