Hands-on Start to Wolfram Mathematica Training Tutorials
- Special Event
- 1 h
- Beginner
- 2 Certifications
Estimated Time: 1 h
Course Level: Beginner
Certification Levels: AttendanceLevel 1

Join a free online training session to learn different ways to interact with Mathematica—enter queries through free-form input and Wolfram Language, create notebooks, perform symbolic and numeric calculations, generate 2D and 3D graphics, create interactive Manipulates, analyze data and turn your notebook into an interactive presentation. This is an exciting opportunity to learn directly from the authors of the book Hands-on Start to Wolfram Mathematica and Programming with the Wolfram Language and ask questions during the interactive Q&A. Participants will need access to either Mathematica for the desktop or Mathematica Online to utilize the hands-on aspects of this training.
Featured Topics
- Notebooks: Learn how to quickly create and format computational documents called notebooks
- Means of Starting: Get started with your first calculations using free-form input, point-and-click palettes and Wolfram Language
- Basic Calculations: Discover how intuitive it is to compute just about anything and how to perform exact and numerical calculations, assign variables and create your own functions
- Basic Graphics: Create, combine, customize and annotate 2D and 3D graphics.
- Making Interactive Models: Learn how to take anything—a calculation, a graphic, a piece of text—and turn it into an interactive model that you can use to explore and explain a variety of concepts.
- Utilizing Data: Get a closer look at how to access computable data from the Wolfram Knowledgebase or import your own data from spreadsheets and other files to use in your calculations.
- Presentations: Learn how to quickly turn your entire notebook—including text, typeset equations, data, graphics and interactive models—into a dynamic slide show that you can edit on the fly
- Register Now
Tuesday, April 8
1–2pm CDT, 6–7pm UTC/GMT| Online | FreeYour local time - Register Now
Wednesday, April 23
6–7pm CDT, 11pm–12am UTC/GMT| Online | FreeYour local time
View all scheduled courses and events
Certifications Available
Attendance Certificate
Request your attendance certificate during the online session by using the survey form.
Level 1 Certification
This training tutorial provides excellent preparation for taking the Mathematica Level 1 certification exam.
See Details