‹›Graphs and NetworksThe Knight's Tour
Version 11 adds FindHamiltonianPath, extending the capabilities for finding paths, cycles and tours. Find a knight's tour in which a knight moves to every space on a chessboard only once.
show complete Wolfram Language input
(* draw a checker board *)
checkerboard =
ArrayPlot[Table[Mod[j + i, 2], {i, 8}, {j, 8}],
ColorRules -> {1 -> RGBColor[0, .55, .77],
0 -> RGBColor[.67, .9, .99]}, Frame -> False,
DataRange -> {{1, 8}, {1, 8}}];
(* compute knight's tour *)
g = KnightTourGraph[8, 8];
tour = FindHamiltonianPath[g];
(* show the tour *)
HighlightGraph[g, PathGraph[tour[[;; i]]],
PlotTheme -> "Marketing",
GraphHighlightStyle -> "DehighlightHide",
EdgeStyle -> Thickness[.01]]}], {i, 1, Length[tour], 1},
SaveDefinitions -> True]