Index |
- for units, 94
- Aborting evaluation, 326
- Abs, 142
- Absolute value (Abs), 142
- AbsoluteTiming, 321, 334
- of synthesized voices, 307
- Access control
- for visually impaired, 246
- Accumulate
- Accumulate, 185
- Add to databin (DatabinAdd), 276
Addition (Plus), 1
- of lists, 15
- of websites, 239
- AdjacencyGraph, 126
- AdjacencyMatrix, 126
- Adjectives, 226
- Aerial photograph, 100
- Afterthought (function application as), 153
Age group
- target, xiv
Age of universe
- compared to UUIDs, 278
- AI (artificial intelligence), 129
- Aircraft positions, 88
- Aircraft simulations (AnglePath3D), 95
- AirTemperatureData, 107
- AiryAi, 328
- Algebra, 328
Algebraic variables
- symbols as, 216
- Algorithms
- of sequences, 274
- All (as option value), 115
- Alpha (Wolfram|Alpha), vii
- visual nearness in, 135
- Alphabet position (LetterNumber), 51
- Alphabet, 51, 191, 218
- in regular expressions, 274
- Alternatives
- Ambiguity, 84, 228
- AmbiguityFunction, 229
Amusement parks
- as entities, 85
- as example of data, 86
- And (&&), 176, 330
- AnglePath, 93
- units for, 92
- AngularGauge, 150
- Animals
- and ImageIdentify, 137
Animation, 185, 246
- in Manipulate, 39
- AnimationVideo, 309
- Annotations, 126
- AnnotationValue, 126
- Anonymous functions, 159
- Anonymous local files, 277
- Answer
- APIFunction, 240, 289, 332
- APIs, 289
- Append, 251, 315
- AppendTo, 251
- Apply, 216
- Applying functions, 153
- Approximate numbers, 139
- creating, 231
- Arabic alphabet, 55
- Arbitrary precision, 140
- of systems, 335
- ArcTan, 144
- Arduino, 289
- Area, 329
- Arguments
- Arithmetic, 1
- Around, 145
- Array subscript (Part), 16
- Array, 181
- ArrayFlatten, 189, 195
- ArrayPlot, 62, 331
- Arrays
- Arrow (), 113
- Arrow (graphics primitive), 75
- Artificial intelligence, 129
- ASCII (ToCharacterCode), 55
- AskFunction, 239
- AspectRatio, 117
- Assignment
- Association, 218
- AssociationMap, 221
- Associations, 217
- Associative arrays (associations), 220
- Associativity, 267
- in debugging, 324
- Asterisk (*)
- Asynchronous operations, 289
- At sign (@), 153
- Atoms
- of functions, 267
Audio, 57, 305
- speeding up, 312
- AudioCapture, 59, 305
- AudioIdentify, 308
- AudioPitchShift, 59
- AudioPlot, 59
- AudioTimeStretch, 312
- Authentication, 288
- Autocomplete menu, xiii, 79
- Automated theorem proving, 173
- for options, 114
- historical word frequency, 108
- AutoRefreshed, 240
- Autoupdating website, 233
- AVI (format), 312
- Axes, 75
- Background, 114
Backquote (`), 144, 272
- typing, 274
- Backslashes
Backtick (`), 144, 272
- typing, 274
- Backwards (Reverse), 8, 47
- Ball, 328
- BarChart, 11, 84, 296
- BarChart3D, 150
- BarcodeImage, 137
- BarcodeRecognize, 137
- BarLegend, 246
- labeling using, 246
- Base expansions (IntegerDigits), 18, 144
- Bases
- word cloud from website of, 288
- Beep, 60
- Beginning of list (First), 16
- Benford’s law, 150
- BesselJ, 144
- Bidirectional graph (UndirectedGraph), 123
- Big numbers, 2
- Binarize, 43
- Binary digits (IntegerDigits), 18
- Binary dump format (DumpSave), 279
- Bindings
- Binomial coefficients, 169, 328
- Binomial, 328
- in histogram, 150
Bioinformatics, 274, 332
- clustering in, 138
- BioSequence, 332
- as web image search, 283
- Bitcoin, 95
- Bitmaps, 52
- Black and white (Binarize), 43
- Black background, 246
- Black, 25
- Black-and-white plots, 246
- Blank (_), 203
- Blend, 25, 166
- Block matrices (ArrayFlatten), 189
- Block
- Blockchain, 289
- BlockchainBlockData, 289
- partitioning into, 187
- Blue, 25
Blur, 41, 159
- text recognition and, 131
- Bold, 29
- word frequencies in, 108
- Boolean computation, 330
- Boolean operations, 176
- BooleanCountingFunction, 330
- BooleanMinimize, 330
- Booleans, 180
- BooleanTable, 330
- Bordering countries, 83, 170
- Borders
- Bowtie polygon, 75
- Boxed, 75
- BoxWhiskerChart, 150
- for lists, 10
- Bracket matching, 4
Brackets ([...])
- square, 3
- as inspiration for ImageIdentify, 137
- Break strings (StringSplit), 271
- CurrentImage in, 46
- Bubble sort, 267
- BubbleChart, 150
- Bugs, 317, 323
Built-in functions, 77
- redefining, 260
- Bulletproofing code, 326
- BusinessDayQ, 180
- ButterflyGraph, 126
- ByteCount, 216
- C language, 321
- C++, 321
- Caching
- Caffeine, 86
- Cake chart (PieChart), 11
- Calculus, 328
- Calendar systems, 111
- Calling APIs, 240
- Callout, 242
- Camera
Canonical form
- for entities, 84
- Canvas, 75
- Capital letters
- Capitalize (ToUpperCase), 47
- of Europe, 330
- Car
- Cartography, 97
- CAs (cellular automata), 331
- Cases, 203, 213
- Catenate, 298
- testing for pictures of, 178
- Ceiling, 144
- CellularAutomaton, 321, 331
- Centimeters, 91
- Central limit theorem, 150
- of word frequencies, 108
- of dataset queries, 293
- Chains of functions, 153
- Chalkboard font, 118
- Champernowne sequence, 194
- Channel framework, 289
- ChannelListen, 289
- Character code (ToCharacterCode), 54
- Character codes, 55
- Character sets, 51
- in string patterns, 269
- Characters, 48, 177, 187, 198, 215
- Chart
- ChartLabels, 218
- in forms, 239
- in Manipulate, 39
- image identification of, 129
- interpreter for, 224
- Chemistry, 331
- ChiSquareDistribution, 144
- Choose elements (Select), 176
- Chooser, 37
- musical, 59
- ChromaticityPlot, 29
- ChromaticityPlot3D, 29
- Circle graph (PieChart), 11
- Circle packing, 69
- Circle, 31, 160
- CircleThrough, 329
- Citations
- Cities
- City plots (GeoBubbleChart), 104
- Classes of entities, 83
- ClassifierFunction, 137
- Classify, 129, 283
- Clear, 248, 258
- on web, 232
- Clock arithmetic (Mod), 142
- ClockGauge, 232
- Closest (Nearest), 130
- Cloud
- Cloud base, 278
- Cloud CDF, 234
- Cloud notebooks, 240
Cloud objects, 275
- caching of, 279
- CloudDeploy, 239, 332
- CloudExport, 285
- CloudExpression, 279
- CloudGet, 275, 295
- CloudPublish, 231, 239
- CloudPut, 275
- CloudSave, 275, 279
- Cluster analysis, 132
- Code
- Code captions, xiii, 80
- Code folding
- Code generation (EmbedCode), 240
- Code reviews, 335
- Collage (ImageCollage), 42
- Collatz problem, 179
- Collect elements (Gather), 190
- of UUIDs, 275
Colon (:)
- in patterns, 264
- Colon-equals (:=), 253
- Colon-greater (:>), 254
- Color blindness, 246
- Color cube, 74
Color picker, 28
- in forms, 239
Color spaces, 28, 29
- from FeatureSpacePlot, 134
- nearness in, 133
- Color wheel, 28
- ColorDistance, 137
- ColorFunction, 120
ColorNegate, 25, 153, 160, 165
- for images, 41
Colors, 25
- background (Background), 114
- blending (Blend), 25
- dominant (DominantColors), 43
- HTML, 28
- in graphics (Style), 32
- models of, 28
- named, 28
- names of, 28
- nearest, 130, 133
- of text (Style), 26
- picking in Manipulate, 39
- random (RandomColor), 26
- Column chart (BarChart), 11
- Column, 12, 244
- Columns
- Combinations (Tuples), 192
- Combinators, 266
- associations (Association), 299
- colors (Blend), 25
- lists (Join), 8
- plots (Show), 150
- strings (StringJoin), 47
- Comments in code, 321
- Common elements (Intersection), 191
- Common words
- in graphs, 124
- Wolfram, xvi
- CommunityGraphPlot, 125
- Commutativity, 267
- Comparative linguistics, 226
- Compile, 321
- Complement, 191
- Complementary color (ColorNegate), 25
- Complete graph, 123
- Complex forms
- Complex numbers, 144
- Complexity
- Composite heads, 213
- Compositing images (ImageAdd), 44
- Composition operators, 300
- Compound expressions (;), 249
- CompoundElement, 239
- Computational geometry, 329
- Computational language, vii
- Computational thinking, ix, 336
- Computational universe, 331
- Computed number fields, 235
- Computer algebra, 328
- for Wolfram Language, xiv
- Concatenate
- Conditionals, 175
- Conditions
- Cone, 32
- Confirm, 326
- ConformImages, 313
- of letters, 131
Connected devices
- data from, 275
- ConnectedGraphQ, 180
- in graphs, 121
Connectivity (internet)
- for Interpreter, 228
- for units, 94
- needed for data, 89
- sounds of, 312
- Constituent graph, 225
- on form fields, 239
- Contexts, 321
- Contour lines (MeshFunctions), 150
- Contour plot, 149
- ContourLabels, 150
- ContourPlot3D, 327
- Control+=, 81, 223
- ControllerInformation, 39
- UI, 37
- between units, 91
- ConvexHullMesh, 329
- Coordinates, 67
- of polygons, 71
- Corporate data, 291
- Cos, 144
- Count, 16
- Countries
- Country plots (GeoRegionValuePlot), 104
- Counts, 217, 334
- for this book, xv
- Courses
- CPU time, 321
- Crawling
- CreateCloudExpression, 279
- CreateDatabin, 276
- CreateNotebook, 279
- Creating functions, 257
- of graph edges, 127
- Cryptocurrencies, 95
- Cryptography, 333
- Cube, 32, 33, 74, 75
Curly brackets
- for lists, 10
- Currency
- Currency codes, 95
- Current location (Here), 101
- Current time, 105
Current value
- of expressions, 326
- CurrentDate, 112
- CurrentImage, 41
- CurrentScreenImage, 46
- Curry, Haskell , 216
- CurryApplied, 216
- Currying, 216
- Customer data, 295
- Cylinder, 32
- Cyrillic alphabet, 51
- Darwin, Charles, 284
- Dashboard
- Data
Data Drop
- Wolfram, 275
Data Repository
- Wolfram, 284
Data signatures
- for databins, 279
- Database join (JoinAcross), 221
- DatabaseLink, 304
- Databases, 303
- DatabinAdd, 276
- Databins (in Wolfram Data Drop), 276
- Dataset, 291
- Dated, 109
- DateListPlot, 276
Dates, 105
- formats of, 105
- DateString, 111
- DateValue, 111
- DateWithinQ, 112
- Day of week (DayName), 106
- DayName, 106
- DayRange, 105
- DDMMYY (date format), 112
Debugging, 323
- interactive, 326
- Decimal approximation, 139
- Decimal degrees, 104
- Decimal expansion (IntegerDigits), 16
Decimal points
- and approximate numbers, 139
Default values
- in patterns, 267
- Defining variables, 247
- of functions, 257
- of words (WordDefinition), 228
- publishing, 279
- saving, 279
- Defocus (Blur), 41
- Degree, 92
- Degrees-minutes-seconds, 104
- Delayed assignment (:=), 253
- Delayed rules (), 254
- Delayed, 232
- DeleteDuplicates, 195
- DeleteFile, 288
- DeleteMissing, 87
- DeleteMissing, 89
- DeleteStopwords, 49
- elements of lists, 199
- split strings at, 271
- word frequency, 109
- Demonstrations Project
- Dendrogram, 133
- sensor on my, 276
- of function arguments, 261
- mobile, 239
- Device framework, 289
- DeviceReadTimeSeries, 289
- sentence, 225
- Dictionaries (associations), 220
- definitions (WordDefinition), 228
- list (WordList), 50
- Differential equation, 329
- DigitCharacter, 270
- as examples of coding styles, 316
- folding in, 184
- number of, 140
- of integers (IntegerDigits), 16
- Dimension reduction, 138
- Directed graph (Graph), 123
- file, 288
- Disambiguation, 84, 228
- Disappear (Nothing), 199
Disk, 31
- area of, 329
- Display (Echo), 324
- Displaying lists, 11
- between cities, 97
- Divide string (StringSplit), 271
Division (Divide), 1
- by zero, 2
- for geo positions, 104
- DNA, 332
- Do, 250
- Document generation, 333
- Documentation
- DocumentNotebook, 333
- Dodecahedron, 32, 33, 73, 74, 75
- Dollars
- DominantColors, 43
- Dotted, 147
- Double at (@@), 216
- Double blank (__), 204
- Double equals (==), 179
- Downvalues, 261
- from EdgeDetect, 43
- of graphics, 75
- of graphs, 122
- Driving directions, 103
- Drop, 17
- Drop-down menu, 37
- DumpSave, 279
- Duplicates
- Dynamic programming, 321
- Dynamic scoping, 251
- Dynamic typing, 261
- Dynamic visualization, 246
- Dynamic, 326
- Each element
- Earth surface path, 99
- Earthquakes, 88
- Echo, 324
- EchoEvaluation, 326
- EchoFunction, 326
- EchoTiming, 326
- EdgeDetect, 43, 52, 153, 165, 236
- EdgeForm, 75
- of graph, 126
- EdgeWeight, 126
- EditDistance, 137
- of code, 318
- Eiffel Tower, 85, 98
- Elements
- Elevation data (for Earth), 148
- EllipticK (elliptic integral), 144
- sending, 285
- EmbedCode, 239, 332
- Embedding
- EmitSound, 59
- Emitted light colors, 28
Emoji, 52
- rendering of, 55
- Empty list, 18
- Enclose, 326
- Encrypt, 333
- End of list (Last), 16
- EndOfLine, 274
- EndOfString, 274
- English
- in computations, 173
- Entities, 81
- EntityInstance, 89
- EntityList, 83
- EntityProperties, 85
- EntityStore, 89, 303
- EntityValue, 82
- for Wolfram Language, xiv
- Equality testing (Equal), 175
- Equations
- Erf, 144
- Errors
- Escaping in strings, 54
- Euclidean geometry, 329
- Euclid’s algorithm, 266
- EulerPhi, 144
- shortest tour of capitals, 330
- European
- interpreter for, 223
- Evaluation
- Even-odd rule, 75
- EvenQ, 176
- Mount, 148
Evolutionary trees
- Dendrogram, 138
- Excel format, 285
- Except, 267
- online version of, xv
- Exp, 144
- in Wolfram Language, 336
- Exponential time, 319
Export, 285
- for MP4, 310
- ExportString, 289
- ExpressionGraph, 216
- Expressions
- ExpressionTree, 211
- Extensible forms, 239
External device
- data from, 275
- External programs, 285, 289, 333
- External services, 283, 289
- and color, 28
- Factor, 328
- Factorial function
- FactorInteger, 144, 330
- False, 175
- Feature space, 133
- Feature vectors, 138
- FeatureExtraction, 138
- FeatureNearest, 138
- FeatureSpacePlot, 133
- Feet (unit), 91
Fibonacci, 144, 321
- as example of coding, 317
- Fields
- File path, 277
- Files
- FileTemplate, 274
- Filled disk (Disk), 31
- FilledCurve, 75
- Filling, 114
- Films, 87
- Filter a list (Select), 176
- FindClusters, 132
- FindGeoLocation, 103
- FindShortestPath, 122, 171
- FindShortestTour, 330
- Finishing input, xiii
- First letter (StringTake), 47
First, 16
- applied incorrectly, 323
- FirstPosition, 201
- FixedPointList, 265
- of countries, 81
- Flat (♭), 59
- as function attribute, 267
- Flatten, 122, 188, 199
- Floating point numbers, 144
- Floor, 144
- Fluency
- Flying turtles (AnglePath3D), 95
- Fold, 185, 315
- Folded polygons, 75
- FoldList, 182
- Font size (Style), 27
- $FontFamilies, 120
- FontFamily, 29, 118
- For each (/@), 154
- For, 250, 315, 321
- Foreign alphabets, 51
- Foreign exchange, 92
- Foreign keys, 303
Foreign languages
- function names in, 80
- WordTranslation, 226
Form fields
- restrictions on values in, 239
- Formats
- Form-based apps, 233
- FormFunction, 233
- FormObject, 239
- FormPage, 237
- Forms
- Forum (Wolfram Community), xvi
- Fourier transform, 312
- Fractals, 168, 189
- exact, 139
- Frame, 118, 244
Framed, 154, 160, 165, 167, 183, 241
- rounded corners for, 245
- FrameListVideo, 313
- Free-form input, xiii, 81, 223
- Frequency
- Frequency plot (Histogram), 147
- Frequency-time plot, 305
- FromCharacterCode, 55
- FromDigits, 18, 185, 316, 318
- FromDMS, 104
- FromLetterNumber, 51
- Mount, 150
- FullForm, 210
- Function function (Function), 164
Function page
- in documentation, 79
- Function Repository, 261
Functional programming, 164, 184, 185, 251
- lack of assignments in, 248
- Functions
- Functors, 185
- Fundamental frequency, 312
- G5, 245
- GalleryView, 240
- Game graphs, 173
- for Manipulate, 39
- Gamma (gamma function), 144
- Ganymede, 299
- Gather, 190
- GatherBy, 190
- Gaussian-distributed numbers (RandomReal), 144
- GCD algorithm, 266
- GCD, 144
- $GeneratedAssetLocation, 312
Genomics, 274, 332
- as string example, 53
- GeoBackground, 103, 116
- GeoBubbleChart, 104
- Geocomputation, 97
- Geodesic path, 99
- GeoDisk, 99
- GeoDistance, 97, 178
GeoElevationData, 148
- resolution of, 151
- Geographic position (GeoPosition), 100
GeoGraphics, 231
- ranges in, 115
- GeoImage, 100
- geoIP, 103
- GeoLabels, 116
GeoListPlot, 97
- ranges in, 115
- $GeoLocation, 103
- Geometry, 329
- GeoModel, 103
- GeoNearest, 101
- GeoPath, 99
- GeoPosition, 100
- GeoProjection, 103, 231
- GeoRange, 103, 115
- GeoRegionValuePlot, 104
- Get from cloud (CloudGet), 275
- Get, 277
- Ghost image (ColorNegate), 41
- GIF, 239, 288
- GIS (geocomputation), 97
- Giza Pyramid, 85
- Global values, 248
- Goes to (Rule), 120
- Golden ratio, 166, 321
- Good code, 315
- systems of, 109
- GPS position, 103
- Grades data, 295
- GrammarRules, 228, 274
- Grammatical structure (TextStructure), 225
- of dates, 112
- Graph, 121
- Graphics
- GraphicsColumn, 244
- GraphicsGrid, 244
- GraphicsRow, 244
GraphLayout, 122, 126
- settings for, 127
- constructing from lists, 215
- for expressions, 216
- of nearest neighbors, 133
- random (RandomGraph), 126
- Gray code
- GrayLevel, 28
- Great circle path, 99, 117
- Great Pyramid, 85
- Greater than (>), 175
- GreaterEqual (≥), 180
- GreaterThan, 180
- Greek alphabet, 54
- Green, 25
- Grid, 61, 161, 181, 187, 244
- Gröbner bases, ix
Grouping (FindClusters), 132
- seeing with multi-clicking, 158
- GUI construction, 327
Guide page
- in documentation, 78
- Gunpowder, 228
- Handwritten digits, 130
- in musical notes, 312
- Hash (#), 185
- Hashmaps (associations), 220
- Head, 212
- associating values with, 261
- Height map, 149
- Height/width for plots, 117
- on functions, 80
- Here, 101
- Hex colors, 28
- in UUIDs, 278
- Hexagon (RegularPolygon), 31
- Hidden state, 251
- for Manipulate, 39
- Hierarchical data, 295, 304
- Hierarchical graph layout, 127
- Hierarchy plot
- Higher-order functions, 185
- of letter s, 312
- Histogram, 147
- Historical calendars, 111
- Historical data, 109
Historical events
- knowledge about, 107
- seen in word frequencies, 108
- Hold, 255, 333
Home page
- for Wolfram Language, xv
- Hot pink, 223
- as unit, 91
- exporting fragments, 239
- importing from web, 288
- templates (XMLTemplate), 274
- HTML colors, 28
- Hue, 26, 155
- Human language
- Human-readable text, 274
- from desk sensor, 277
- HypercubeGraph, 126
- Hyperlink, 240
- Hyperlinks
- i (square root of −1), 144
- Iconize, 320
- IconRules, 239
- for mobile apps, 239
- Icosahedron, 33, 74
- for Wolfram Language, 321
- Identity testing (===), 180
- in code, 318
If, 175
- in function definitions, 258
- iframe, 239
- in 3D graphics, 33
- satellite, 100
Image links
- creating, 240
Image search
- web, 283
- Image3D, 65, 185
- ImageAdd, 44, 46, 184
- ImageCollage, 42
- ImageData, 63
- ImageIdentify, 129
-, 137
- ImageInstanceQ, 178
- ImageMultiply, 46
- ImageRestyle, 45
- Images, 41
- ImageSize, 117, 246
- Immediate assignment (=), 247, 253
- for language learning, viii
- Imperial units, 94
- of Wolfram Language, xiv
- Implicit entities, 180
- Import, 281
- $ImportFormats, 288
- ImportString, 289
- In, 255
- Increment (++), 251, 315, 321
- Indices
- Infinite loops, 255
- Infinity, 2
- Infix
- Information (?), 260
- terminating, xiii
Input fields
- in Manipulate, 39
- in web forms, 233
- Input labels (In), 255
- InputForm, 48
- Inserting in strings (StringRiffle), 271
- Inset (graphics primitive), 75
Instances (Cases), 203
- of entities (EntityInstance), 89
- Instant APIs, 240, 332
- Instruments
- IntegerDigits, 16, 144, 161, 318
- IntegerName, 51
- IntegerQ, 176
- IntegerReverse, 318
- big, 2
- English names (IntegerName), 51
- factoring, 330
- random, 3
- Integrate, 328
- Interactivity, 35
- for lists (Riffle), 191
- for strings (StringRiffle), 271
- Intermediate results
- Internal form (FullForm), 210
- International alphabets, 51
- International characters, 54
International versions
- code captions for, 80
Internet address
- for geo location, 103
- Internet connectivity
- InterpolatingFunction, 329
- multiple, 84
- Interpreter, 223
- for web forms, 235
- $InterpreterTypes, 228
- Intersection, 191
- Inverted graphics, 246
- IT organizations, 291
- Italic, 29
- Iteration, 167
- Iterator specification, 23
- code generation for, 332
- JavaScript
- Join, 8, 169, 251
- JoinAcross, 221
- Joined, 117
- Joining points, 71
- for Manipulate, 39
- JPEG, 239
- KaryTree, 126
- KeyDrop, 221
- KeyMap, 221
- Keys
- KeySelect, 221
- KeySort, 217
- KeyTake, 218
- Key-value maps (associations), 220
- Kilograms, 92
- Knowledgebase, 81
- as example of entity, 85
- translation to, 226
- LABColor, 28
- Labeled, 241
- Labels
- Lambda expressions, 164
- transliteration, 226
- Language design, 315
- LanguageIdentify, 129, 281
- Languages
- Large programs, xii, 321
- Largest (Max), 3
- Largest elements (TakeLargest), 199
- Last, 16
- Latest result (%), 247
- Latin, viii
- Latitude, 100
- Layered graph layout, 127
- Layout
- LeafCount, 216
- in expressions, 211
- Left composition, 300
- Legended, 242
- placement of, 246
- Length
- Less, 180
- LetterCharacter, 270
- LetterCounts, 218
- LetterNumber, 51, 177
- LetterQ, 177, 190
- in strings (Characters), 48
- non-English, 55
- visual nearness of, 135
- Lexical scoping, 251
- lhs (left-hand side), 207
- from desk sensor, 277
- LightGray, 241
- simulated in 3D graphics, 33
- LightYellow, 241
- Line drawing (from EdgeDetect), 43
Line numbering
- in sessions, 250
- Line, 70
- LineLegend, 246
- in GeoListPlot, 117
- terminating input, xiii
Linguistics, 226
- evolutionary, 138
- Link graph, 282
- creating, 240
- Linux, xiv
Listability, 15, 156, 158
- and associations, 221
- ListAnimate, 185, 246
- ListLinePlot, 11, 50, 67
- ListLogPlot, 142
- ListPlot, 7, 67
- ListPlot3D, 148
- arithmetic on, 15
- as functions, 10
- as tables (Table), 19
- dropping sublists (Drop), 17
- filtering (Select), 176
- first look at, 7
- in datasets, 295
- internal structure of, 209
- joining (Join), 8
- length of (Length), 15
- membership in (MemberQ), 177
- of rules, 187
- of rules and associations, 218
- operations on, 15
- parts of, 16, 197
- random choice from (RandomChoice), 166, 192
- sequences in, 274
- symbolic, 10
- taking sublists (Take), 17
- visualization of, 11
- zero-length, 18
- ListStepPlot, 150
- Load definitions (CloudGet), 275
Local files, 277
- importing from, 283
- Local values, 248
Local variables
- in modules, 248
- LocalCache, 279
- Localized names, 251
- Localized values, 251
- LocalObject, 277
- LocalTime, 107
Location (Here), 101
- interpreter for, 223
- Locked functions, 260
Log files
- importing, 282
- Log plot (ListLogPlot), 142
- Log, 299
- Log10, 141
- Logarithm
- Logic computation, 330
- Logic operations, 176
- Logistic regression, 138
- Logo
- as time zone example, 107
Long computations
- monitoring, 325
Long output
- suppressing, 247
- Longer programs, 335
- Longest, 264
- Longitude, 100
- Loop variable errors, 326
- Loops
- Los Angeles, 97
- Louvre, 98
- Low vision, 246
Machine learning, 129
- in ImageRestyle, 46
- Machine precision, 144
- Macintosh, xiv
- Magnitude (Abs), 142
- sending, 285
- Mail server
- Manipulate, 35
- Map (/@), 157
- mathematical, 164
- Maps
- Market prices, 88
- plots themed for, 113
- Mars
- Matches
- Matching of brackets ([...]), 4, 5
- MatchQ, 203
- Math notation, 328
- Math typesetting, 328
- Mathematica, vii
- Mathematical computation, 328
Mathematical functions, 144
- visualization of, 327
- Mathematical logic, 164, 216
- Mathematical operations, 1
- Mathematics
- lists of lists as, 65
- Max, 3
- MBOX, 288
- of words, 228
- MemberQ, 177
- in function definitions, 321
- and big numbers, 2
- MemoryConstrained, 326
- Menger sponge, 194
- in forms, 239
- in Manipulate, 37, 39
- as disambiguation example, 84
- Merge
- Mesh, 147
- MeshFunctions, 150
- Meshing, 329
- MeshStyle, 147
- Messages
- symbolic generalization of, 261
Microphone, 305
- choosing, 312
- Microphone input, 59
- Middle C (note), 57
- MIDI, 59
- Min, 4
- of Boolean functions, 330
- Minimize, 328
- Minus (Subtract), 4
- Missing, 87
Missing entries
- in datasets, 295
- Missing, 89, 221
- Mixing colors (Blend), 25
- MKV (format), 312
- ML (machine learning), 129
- MMDDYY (date format), 112
- MNIST training set, 137
Mobile apps
- creation of, 239
- Mod, 142
- in good code, 317
- Module, 248
- Modulo (Mod), 142
- as example of entity, 86
- Molecule, 331
- MoleculePlot3D, 331
- word frequency, 109
- computations with, 92
- Monitor, 325
- from date, 111
- of this book, xv
- Moon
- MoonPhase, 106
- Moons
- Mosaic (ImageCollage), 42
- Most, 18
- Mount Everest, 148
- Mount Fuji, 150
- Movie titles, 228
- Movies, 87
- MP4 (format), 312
- MP4 file, 310
- to see grouping, 158
- Multicore system, 334
- Multipage forms, 239
- Multiple assignments, 250
- Multiplication (Times), 1
- Multiplication sign (×), 2
- Multiplication table, 62, 181
- Multiway graphs, 173
- Music, 57
Musical instruments, 87
- list of, 59
- N, 139, 154, 321
- Naive Bayes machine learning, 138
- Named colors, 28
- Named patterns, 205, 264
- Naming
NATO, 194
- website of, 288
Natural language
- and language identification, 129
- Natural language input, xiii, 223
- Natural language understanding, 223
- Natural logarithm, 141
- NDSolve, 329
- Nearest, 130, 171
- NearestFunction, 173
- NearestNeighborGraph, 133, 173
- Negative part numbers, 197
- Negative sentiment, 129
- Neighbors
- Nest, 165, 324
- of functions, 165
- NestList, 165, 189, 265, 270
- Net of polyhedron, 87
- NetChain, 138
- NetGraph, 138
- NetModel, 138
- NetTrain, 138
- Networks, 121
Neural Net Repository
- Wolfram, 138
Neural networks, 137
- construction of, 138
- New Kind of Science, 321, 331
- New York City, 97, 98, 223
Newlines, 271
- split at (StringSplit), 271, 281
- Newton’s method, 172, 266
- NextDate, 112
- temperatures at, 108
- NKS (New Kind of Science), 321
- NLP (natural language processing), 224
- NLU (natural language understanding), 223
- of graph, 126
- Nondeterministic computation, 173
- Nonlinear optimization, 328
- Normal
- Normal-distributed numbers (RandomReal), 144
- NormalDistribution, 144
- NoSQL databases, 303
- Not (!), 176
- Notable person classifier, 283
- mathematical, 328
- Note
- embedder, 239
- Notebook generation, 333
- Notebooks, xiii, 335
- NotebookTemplate, 274
- Nothing, 199
- Nouns, 224
- Now, 105, 232
- Null list, 18
- Number crunching, 328
- Number of occurrences (Count), 16
- NumberLinePlot, 12, 299
- NumberQ, 180
- Numbers
- NumberString, 274
- Numerical analysis, 144
- Numerical approximation, 139
- Numerics, 144, 328
- Obfuscated code, 317, 321
- Object recognition (ImageIdentify), 129
- Object-oriented programming, 260
- Occurrences (Count), 16
- OCR (optical character recognition), 131
- Octagon (RegularPolygon), 31
- Octahedron, 33, 74
- Octave, 57
- OddQ, 176
- ODE, 329
- Off-by-one errors, 326
- in partitioning, 187
- On-demand computation, 232, 253
- version of this book, xv
- OOP (object-oriented programming), 260
- Opacity, 73
Operating systems
- for running Wolfram Language, xiv
- order of, 2
- Operator forms, 213, 216, 293
- OperatorApplied, 164, 216
- in mathematics, 216
- with programming, 336
- Optical character recognition, 131
- Optimization
- Options, 113
- Options (list of options), 120
- Or
- Orange, 25
- Order of operations, 2
- as function attribute, 267
- OrderlessPatternSequence, 267
Origin of Species
- text of, 284
- Oscillations
- as example of image import, 288
- Out, 255
- Outliers, 114
- suppressing, 247
- Output labels (Out), 250, 255
- Overlaps, 274
- Overlaying plots (Show), 150
- Packages, 321, 335
- PageTheme, 239
- Paint colors, 28
- Pairs (Tuples), 192
- PalindromeQ, 180
- in English, 177
- Parallel computation, 334
- as example function, 79
- ParallelTable, 334
- Parentheses ((...)), 2
- Paris, 98
- Parsing, 173, 225
- Part, 16, 197
- Partition, 187, 215
- and associations, 221
- of datasets, 291
- of general expressions, 212
- replacing (ReplacePart), 199
Pascal’s triangle, 169, 172
- modulo two, 172
- for websites, 288
- Path
- Pattern-based programming, 249
- Patterns, 203, 263
- PatternSequence, 267
- in sound, 59
- PDF, 239, 285
- Pentagon (RegularPolygon), 31
- Perception of color, 28
- PerformanceGoal, 321
- of names, 248
- for website, 239
Permissions, 278
- in cloud, 240
- $Permissions, 240
- Permutations, 191
- of names, 248
- Persistent cloud expressions, 279
- PersistentSymbol, 279
- Phase of moon (MoonPhase), 106
- location of, 101
- Phonemes, 306
- Photo mosaic (ImageCollage), 42
- CurrentImage, 41
- in apps, 236
- Phrase structure, 225
Phylogenetic trees
- Dendrogram, 138
- Pi (π), 140
Piano, 57
- audio synthesis, 307
- Piano roll, 59
- Pictogram (BarChart), 11
- Picturable nouns, 137
- PieChart, 11, 82, 155
- Pigment colors, 28
- hot, 223
- Pink boxes
- Pipes, 289
- Pitch
- PitchRecognize, 312
- Pixel array, 63
- Pixel size
- Place value (IntegerDigits), 16
- Placed, 246
- of labels, 245
- PlanarGraph, 127
- Plane geometry, 329
- Planets, 83
- for Wolfram Language, xiv
- Platonic solids, 33
- PLI (Programmable Linguistic Interface), 228
- Plot
- for functions, 327
- PlotRange, 114
- Plots
- PlotStyle, 147
- PlotTheme, 113, 243
Plus, 1, 210
- as a function, 3
- Plus-minus (±), 145
PNG, 239
- importing, 282
Point size
- of text, 27
- Point, 70
- Points
- regular (RegularPolygon), 31
- Polygon, 70
Polyhedron, 32
- net of, 87
- PolyhedronData, 75
- Polynomial factoring, 328
- of countries, 109
Popup menus
- in forms, 239
- Position, 198
- Positions (coordinates), 69
- Positive part (Abs), 142
- Positive sentiment, 129
- Post tag system, 266
- Postfix form (//), 153
- as weight unit, 92
Powers of numbers (Power), 1
- definition of, 2
- Powers of 2, 166
Powers of 10
- on map, 100
- Precedence
- Precision
- Prefix form (@), 153
- Pressure
- Previous result (%), 247
- Primality testing (PrimeQ), 176
- Primary colors, 28
- Prime, 141, 156, 242, 334
- PrimePi, 144
- PrimeQ, 144, 176, 325, 334
- Print (Echo), 324
- 3D, 286
- Printout3D, 286
- in image identification, 132
- in ImageIdentify, 137
- of UUID collisions, 239
Procedural programming, 249
- compared to functional, 185
- $ProcessorCount, 334
- Programmers
- Programming Lab
Programming languages, xi
- other, xiv
- Projections
- of functions, 4
- of entities, 81
- compared to code, 315
- Proxy
- ps (external process), 333
- Pseudorandom numbers, 3
- Publishing
- Publish-subscribe systems, 289
- Pub-sub, 289
- Pure colors, 28
- Pure functions, 159, 181
- for unmatched brackets, 4
- Purple, 25
- Put into cloud (CloudPut), 275
- Put, 277
- Great, 85
- Pythagorean triples, 194
- Q functions, 176, 180
- QA (quality assurance), 326
- QR codes, 137
- Quadtree, 168
- Quality assurance, 326
- Quantity, 91
- on datasets, 293
- Question functions, 176
- to indicate strings, 47
- Quoting (evaluation control), 333
- Radians, 92
Radio buttons, 37
- in forms, 239
Radio stations
- number in countries, 82
- of circle, 69
- Ragged arrays, 65
- Ragged partition, 194
- Rainbow (color lists), 26
Raising to powers (Power), 1
- definition of, 2
- Ram emoji, 52
- Random forests machine learning, 138
- Random graph, 124
- Random numbers
- Random walk, 167
- RandomChoice, 166, 192
- RandomColor, 26, 253
- RandomEntity, 87
- RandomGraph, 126
RandomInteger, 3
- sequences from, 22
- RandomReal, 140, 254, 329
- RandomSample, 192
- RandomWord, 55
- Range
- Range, 7
- Rapid prototyping (3D printing), 286
- Raspberry Pi, xiv
Rasterize, 52, 131
- data from, 63
- of code, 317
- RealDigits, 145
- Real numbers, 140
Real-time display, 35, 326
- on web, 233
Real-world data, 81
- historical, 109
- Reap, 325
- of barcodes, 137
- of images (ImageIdentify), 129
- of text (TextRecognize), 131
- speech, 306
- Recomputation, 255
- Recording
- in datasets, 295
- Recursion, 167
- Recursive definition, 258, 316
- Red input, 5, 323
- Red, 25, 99, 147
- Red-green-blue colors (RGBColor), 25
- References
- Reflected light colors, 28
- RegularExpression, 274
RegularPolygon, 31
- and coordinates, 70
Relational databases, 303
- and associations, 221
- ReleaseHold, 333
- Relief maps, 116, 149
- ReliefPlot, 149
- Rendering
- Repeat
- RepeatedTiming, 321
- RepeatingElement, 239
- of functions, 165
- Repetitions
- ReplaceAll, 207
- ReplaceList, 207, 267
Replacements, 205
- in strings (StringReplace), 270
- ReplacePart, 199
- Replicate
- Repository
- Resizing graphics, 246
- of images, 63
- Resource System, 279
- ResourceData, 279, 284
- ResourceFunction, 279
- musical, 59
- Rest, 18
- RESTful APIs, 240
- Restricted, 239
- Restyling images, 45
- Result
- of string (StringReverse), 47
- Reverse, 8, 156, 318
- RGBColor, 25
- Rhombic hexecontahedron, 87, 286
- rhs (right-hand side), 207
- Riffle, 191
- Right composition, 300
- in maps, 103
- Romanization (transliteration), 51, 226
- RomanNumeral, 50, 200
- Rotate, 75, 92, 160
- of 3D graphics, 32
- Round down (Floor), 144
- Round up (Ceiling), 144
- Round, 142
- Rounded corners, 245
- RoundingRadius, 245
- Roundoff errors, 144
- for display, 244
- Rows
- interpreter for, 223
- Rule 30 (cellular automaton), 321, 331
- Rule (), 113, 215
- RuleDelayed (), 255
- RulePlot, 331
- Rules
- Run-length encoding (Split), 190
- Running time
Running Wolfram Language
- environments for, xiv
- RunProcess, 289, 333
- Runs of elements (Split), 190
- Russian alphabet, 51
- Sameness testing (===), 180
- San Francisco, 178
- Sandboxed code execution, 326
Satellite images, 100
- resolution of, 103
- of color, 28
- Save, 277
- Saving
- Scale, 75
- Scale-free network, 126
- Scientific notation, 140
- of variables, 248
Scoping constructs
- patterns as, 207
- Score
- Scratch
- Screen capture, 46, 313
- Sculpteo (3D printing service), 287
- Search
Search engine
- building a webpage like a, 237
- text files, 274
- Secondary colors, 28
- Sector graph (PieChart), 11
- SeedRandom, 39
- See-through graphics (Opacity), 73
- Select, 176
Semantic expression
- as interpretation, 228
Semantic number
- as interpretation, 235
- SemanticImport, 303
- Semantics, 223
Semicolon (;)
- at end of line, 247
- Semitones, 57
- Sending mail (SendMail), 285
SendMail, 285
- server for, 289
- Sensors
- Sentence diagramming, 225
- lengths of, 150
- lists of (TextSentences), 49
- Sentiment analysis, 129
- Sequence of numbers (Range), 7
- SequenceAlignment, 274
- SequenceCases, 274
- Sequences
- ServiceConnect, 289
- accessing external, 283
- Sessions
- Set complement (Complement), 191
- Set intersection (Intersection), 191
- Set union (Union), 190
- Set (=), 255
- SetDelayed (:=), 255
- SetOptions, 120
- Setting names, 247
- Shade
- of plots (AspectRatio), 117
- definitions, 279
- Sharp (#), 59
- Shift+return, xiii
- Short IDs, 278
- Short URL (URLShorten), 239, 278
Shortest path
- in graph, 122
- Shortest, 270, 274
- Shrinkwrapping, 329
- SI units, 94
- Side effects, 164, 251
- Side labels
- Sierpinski pattern, 189, 194
- Sigma (Sum), 328
- Signal processing, 59
- Similarity
- Simple programs, 331
- Simplicity of good code, 317
- of Boolean functions, 330
- Sin, 144, 327
- Size
- SK combinators, 266
- Sketch (from EdgeDetect), 43
- Skull, 86
- Slash at (/@), 154, 158
- Slash dot (/.), 205
- Slash semi (/;), 263
- Slash slash (//), 158
- Slider, 327
- in forms, 239
- in Manipulate, 35
- on web, 232
- Slot (#), 185
- Slots
- Smallest elements (TakeSmallest), 199
- Smallest value (Min), 4
- Smart fields, 235
- Smileys, 52
- SmoothHistogram, 150
- Social networks, 121
- Software engineering, 321, 335
- Solid objects, 73
- Solve, 328
- Sonification, 57
- Sort, 15, 190
SortBy, 190
- operator form of, 294
- Sorting algorithm, 264
- Sound, 57
- Sound effects, 59
- SoundNote, 57, 59
- Sources
- Sow, 325
- Spacecraft simulations (AnglePath3D), 95
- Spaces
- words in, 55
- Spanish captions, xiii
- in lists, 197
- SparseArray, 65
- Speak, 60, 306
- Spectrogram, 59, 305
- Speech, 305
- SpeechRecognize, 306
- SpeechSynthesize, 306
- Speech-to-text, 306
- of code, 318
- Speeding up audio, 312
Sphere, 32
- and coordinates, 72
- Spikey
- Spiral
- Splice, 201
- Split strings (StringSplit), 271
- Split, 190
- Spoken output (Speak), 60
- Spreadsheets
- Spring-electrical graph layout, 126
SQL databases, 303
- connecting to, 304
- Sqrt (square root), 141
Square brackets, 4
- for functions, 3
Square root (Sqrt), 141
- nested, 166
- Squares
- nested, 166
- sound of word, 312
- Stack trace, 326
- Stacked output (Column), 12
- StackedListPlot, 150
- Star (*)
- Starry Night (painting), 86
- Start of list (First), 16
- StartOfLine, 274
- StartOfString, 274
- State capitals, 228
- Static typing, 261
- Stephen Wolfram
-, 282, 283
- Steps
- STL file, 286
- Stock prices, 88
Stopwords, 49
- removal of, 55
- Store in cloud (CloudPut), 275
- Street
- in lists, 21
- String templates, 272
- StringCases, 269
- StringContainsQ, 180
- StringJoin, 47, 271
- StringLength, 47, 147, 160
- StringMatchQ, 270
- StringReplace, 270
- StringReverse, 47, 177
- StringRiffle, 271
Strings, 47
- dates as, 111
- exporting from (ExportString), 289
- from expressions, 272
- importing from (ImportString), 289
- joining (StringJoin), 47
- natural language interpretation of, 223
- overlaps in matching for, 274
- patterns for, 269
- quotes in (InputForm), 48
- to lists of letters (Characters), 48
- versus symbols, 54
- StringSplit, 271, 281
- StringTake, 47
- StringTemplate, 272
- Structs (associations), 220
- Structured data, 291
- Student data, 295
Style transfer
- for images, 45
- Style, 52, 99, 160
- in forms, 239
- Sub
Subject line
- for email, 285
- Sublists
- Subscript (Part), 16
- Subsets, 192
- Subtraction (Subtract), 1, 4
- Subvalues, 261
- Successor function, 166
- Suggestions, xiii
- Sum of elements (Total), 15
- Sum, 328
- Sunrise, 106
- Sunset, 106
- Superpower, xi
- Supervised machine learning, 138
- Support vector machines, 138
- Suppressing output, 247
- SVG, 239
- Swapping values, 250
- of color, 28
- Swedish alphabet, 191
- Switzerland
- Symbolic
- Symbolically-indexed lists (associations), 220
- Symbols, 210
- Syntax errors, 5, 323
- SystemOpen, 288
- Systems operations, 333
- Table, 19, 315
- Tabular data, 291
- Tabular output (Grid), 61
- Tag cloud (WordCloud), 49
- Tag system, 266
- on graph edges, 126
- Take, 17, 197
- TakeLargest, 199
- TakeSmallest, 199
- AirTemperatureData, 107
- from desk sensor, 277
- Templates
- Testing
- TestReport, 326
Tests, 175
- on form fields, 239
- Tetrahedron, 32, 33, 74, 75
- Text
- Text (graphics primitive), 75
- Textbook math, 328
- TextCases, 224
- TextRecognize, 131
- TextSearch, 274
- TextSentences, 49
- TextString, 272, 274
- TextWords, 48
- Theme
- Theorem proving, 173
- about Wolfram Language, 10
- Thick, 99
- Thread, 187
- Threaded, 75
Three-dimensional graphics, 32, 72, 148
- in the cloud, 240
- Three-dimensional printing, 286
- Tilde tilde (~~), 274
- Time series, 107
- Time zones, 107
- TimeConstrained, 326
- Time-frequency plot, 305
- Times, 105
Times, 1, 181
- as a function, 3
TimeSeries, 111
- from video, 312
- Timing, 318, 321
- Tint, 28
- Tiny
- ToCharacterCode, 54, 55
- Today, 106
- Tokyo, 99
- Tomorrow, 105
- Tooltip, 242
- Topography, 148
- ToString, 274
- Total, 15, 247, 316
- ToUpperCase, 47
- from messages, 326
- TraditionalForm, 328, 330
Traffic lights
- as color example, 27
- Training
Training sets
- for machine learning, 137
- Transcoding videos, 312
- Transition graph, 215
- Translate, 75
- of function names, 80
- of words (WordTranslation), 226
- Transliterate, 226
- Transparency (Opacity), 73
- Transpose, 187, 195, 265
- TravelDirections, 103
- TravelDistance, 103
- Traveling salesman problem, 330
- TravelTime, 103
- Tree
- Tree of life
- Tree plot
- Tree, 216
- Trees
- Triangle (RegularPolygon), 33
- Triple at (@@@), 216
- Triple blank (___), 263
- Triple equals (===), 180
- Triples (Tuples), 192
- True, 175
- Truth table, 330
- TSP (traveling salesman problem), 330
- Tuples, 192
- Turkish alphabet, 191
- Turning path (AnglePath), 93
- Turtle graphics (AnglePath), 95
- Tweet-a-Program, xv
Twenty questions
- and ImageIdentify, 137
- in Wolfram Language, 260
- Typesetting, 328
- UI construction, 327
- UN website, 281
- UndirectedGraph, 123
- Unequal (≠), 180
- Unevaluated results, 323
- Unicode, 55
- Uniform polyhedra, 33
- Union, 190, 195
- Unique identifiers, 239
- Unit tests, 326
UnitConvert, 91
- for dates, 105
- United Nations website, 281
- United States
- of measure, 91
- Universally unique identifiers, 239
- interpreter for, 224
- symbols as, 216
- Unprotect, 260
- Unravel (Flatten), 188
- Unsupervised machine learning, 138
- UpdateInterval, 233
- to cloud, 288
- Uppercase (ToUpperCase), 47
- UpTo, 194
- Upvalues, 260, 261
- URLDownload, 288
- URLShorten, 239, 278
- URLSubmit, 289
- US units, 94
User functions
- defining, 257
- User ID, 278
- User interface construction, 327
- UUIDs, 239, 275
- of form fields, 239
- Values
- Van Gogh
- Vanish (Nothing), 199
- Variables
- lists as, 65
- Verbs, 226
- VerificationTest, 326, 335
- of Wolfram Language, xiv
- Version control, 335
- VertexLabels, 121, 169
- VertexStyle, 126
- Vertical bar, 207
- Vertical output (Column), 12
- VerticalGauge, 150
- of graphs, 121
Video, 305
- generating, 309
- VideoCapture, 308
- $VideoDecoders, 312
- $VideoEncoders, 312
- VideoFrameList, 313
- VideoScreenCapture, 313
- VideoTranscode, 312
Violin, 58
- synthesized audio from, 308
- Visible quotes (InputForm), 48
- Vision
- Visual nearness, 135
- Visualization, 147
- Voice output, 60
- synthesized, 307
- VoiceStyleData, 312
- Volcanoes, 101
- sounds of, 312
- Voxels (Image3D), 65
- Wait to evaluate, 253
- Wall clock time (AbsoluteTiming), 321
- Waveform
- data on, 107
- interactivity on, 39
- Manipulate on, 39
- network of, 121
- plots themed for, 113
Web address
- length of, 239
- Web APIs, 240, 289
- Web computation (Delayed), 232
- Web crawler, 173, 282
- Web forms, 235
Web links
- creating, 240
- Web notebooks, 240
Web search, 283
- versus Wolfram Knowledgebase, 89
- Webcam
- WebImageSearch, 46, 283
- Websites
- and time computations, 105
- as example of quantity, 92
White House
- location of, 223
- Whitespace, 270, 274
Whole number
- random, 3
- importing icon from, 282
- WikipediaData, 160, 218, 225
- Windows operating system, xiv
- With, 323
- .wl files, 321
- Wolf emoji, 52
- Wolfram Cloud, 231
- Wolfram Cloud app, 239
- Wolfram Community, xvi
- Wolfram Data Drop, 275
- Wolfram Data Repository, 284
- Wolfram Demonstrations Project, xv, 39
- Wolfram Function Repository, 261, 279
- Wolfram Knowledgebase, 81, 281
- Wolfram Language
- Wolfram logo
- Wolfram Neural Net Repository, 138
- Wolfram Notebook Embedder, 239
- Wolfram Notebooks, xiii, 335
- Wolfram Programming Lab, xiii, xiv, xv
- Wolfram Research, xvi
- Wolfram U, xv
- Wolfram|Alpha, vii
- WolframLanguageData, 80
- WordBoundary, 274
- WordCloud, 49, 225
- WordDefinition, 228
- WordFrequencyData, 108
- WordList, 50, 130, 147, 177
- WordOrientation, 118
- Words
- Words for integers (IntegerName), 51
- Words in text (TextWords), 48
- WordTranslation, 226
Writing systems
- conversion between, 51