Keypoint Highlighting with Local Image Colors
Highlighting specific points on a color image can be a nontrivial task due to poor contrast or low-visibility color combinations between the markers and the surrounding regions. Use the color processing functions in the Wolfram Language to create contrast-aware, high-contrast colors for a set of markers.
Find the coordinate of the key features in an image using ImageKeypoints.
Out[1]//Short= |
| |
Highlight keypoints on the image. It is typically difficult to find a single color that has optimal contrast against all the selected features.
Out[2]= | |
Compute the color that represents the color that shows up behind each keypoint. Use BilateralFilter to smooth the image.
Out[3]= | |
Highlight keypoints with either black or white according to the region luminance taken from the L channel of LCh.
Out[5]= | |
Highlight keypoints with a highly contrasting hue.
Out[6]= | |
Out[7]= | |
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