Color Blend in Different Color Spaces
The relationship between two colors is deeply influenced by the color model that is used to describe them. The function Blend performs a color mixing in the color's native space, thus preserving its natural metric and its characteristics.
Blend offers unique results depending on the color model.
Out[1]= |  |
Out[2]= |  |
Compare blue-to-red blend in RGB and HSB spaces.
Out[3]= |  |
Out[4]= |  |
A 3D representation of an RGB blend is a straight line in RGB itself but a curve in a perceptually accurate space like CIE
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Out[5]= |  |
Blue-to-red blend in four different color spaces.
Out[6]= |  |
Use red-to-blue (center to corner) blend in different spaces for coloring plots.
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Out[7]= |  |