Explore a Detailed Model of the Earth's Oceans
Discover how salinity of seawater deviates at different depths from its standard average value of 35.2 g/kg.
Compute an array of values of salinity anomaly along the 180° E meridian for depths ranging from 0 to 6000 meters, and assuming a constant temperature of 15 °C.

anomaly =
Table[{lat, Quantity[-d, "Meters"],
StandardOceanData[<|"Position" -> GeoPosition[{lat, 180}],
"Pressure" -> Quantity[d, "Decibars"],
"Temperature" -> Quantity[15, "DegreesCelsius"]|>,
{lat, -85, 65, 5}, {d, 0, 6000, 50}];
The highest deviations are found for larger latitudes.

anomalyPlot =
ListDensityPlot[Flatten[anomaly, 1],
ColorFunction -> "TemperatureMap",
FrameLabel -> {"latitude", "elevation"}, PlotLegends -> Automatic,
ImageSize -> Medium]

Superimpose an elevation profile of the sea floor along the same meridian.
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