Learn a Parameterization of a Manifold
Learn a parameterization of the manifold along which the input data lies by using an autoencoder, a network with a "bottleneck" layer that learns to reconstruct the original input.
Sample training data from a part of a synthetic two-dimensional manifold.

manifold =
Table[AngleVector[{x, 0.9 Pi x}] +
x/20*RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[], 2], {x, 0, 1, 0.001}];
plot = ListPlot[manifold, PlotStyle -> Orange]

Create a net with a "bottleneck" layer in order to learn a parameterization of the manifold.

net = NetChain[{25, Ramp, 1, 25, Ramp, 2}, "Input" -> 2]

Create a loss network that computes a loss based on the "reconstruction error"—a measure of the degree to which the network can produce an output that is identical to its input.

lossNet =
NetGraph[{net, MeanSquaredLossLayer[]}, {1 -> 2,
NetPort["Input"] -> NetPort[2, "Target"]}]

Train the loss network on the manifold and extract the original net from the loss network.

lossNet =
NetTrain[lossNet, <|"Input" -> manifold|>, BatchSize -> 4096];
trained = NetExtract[lossNet, 1];
Visualize how the net projects arbitrary points onto the manifold.

{{xmin, xmax}, {ymin, ymax}} = CoordinateBounds[manifold, .2];
trained[{x, y}] - {x, y}, {x, xmin, xmax}, {y, ymin, ymax}]]

Split the net into an "encoder" and "decoder" network (the encoder parameterizes points using a single scalar value, whereas the decoder reconstructs the point from this parameterization).

decoder = Drop[trained, 3]
encoder = Take[trained, 3]

Color each point in the original manifold by its parameterization under the encoder.

ListPlot[Style[#, Hue[First[0.3 + encoder[#]]/3]] & /@ manifold]

Obtain the range of the parameterization by applying the encoder to the manifold.

{min, max} = MinMax[encoder[manifold]]

Show the reconstruction over this range along with the original manifold.

Show[plot, ListLinePlot[Table[decoder[x], {x, min, max, .01}]]]