What We Haven’t Discussed
There’s a lot more to the Wolfram Language than we’ve been able to cover in this book. Here’s a sampling of just a few of the many topics and areas that we’ve missed.
User Interface Construction
Set up a tabbed interface:
User interfaces are just another type of symbolic expression; make a grid of sliders:
Function Visualization
Mathematical Computation
Do symbolic computations, with
x as an algebraic variable:
Get symbolic solutions to equations:
Do calculus symbolically:
Display results in traditional mathematical form:
Out[8]//TraditionalForm= |
|  |
Use 2D notation for input:
Minimize a function inside a spherical ball:
Solve a differential equation to get an approximate function:
Make a plot using the approximate function:
The area of a disk (filled circle) of radius
Make a shape by
” around 100 random points in 3D:
Find the shortest tour of the capitals of Europe (
traveling salesman problem):
Find a minimal representation of a Boolean function:
Out[18]//TraditionalForm= |
|  |
The Computational Universe
Building APIs
Deploy a simple web API that finds the distance from a specified location:
Create embeddable code for an external Java program to call the API:
Document Generation
Documents are symbolic expressions, like everything else:
Evaluation Control
Hold a computation unevaluated:
Systems-Level Operations
Run an external process (not allowed in the cloud!):
Parallel Computation
’m running on a 12-core machine:
Sequentially test a sequence of (big) numbers for primality, and find the total time taken:
Doing the same thing in parallel takes considerably less time: