Wolfram Language

Visualization: Labels, Scales, Exclusions

Identify Types of Singularities and Discontinuities

Highlight the different types of singularities and discontinuities in a function.

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options = Sequence @@ {ExclusionsStyle -> Dashed, PlotTheme -> "Minimal", ImageSize -> 400, PlotRange -> {-7, 8}}; Plot[Callout[ Floor[x] + Tan[x], {"pole", "piecewise jump"}, {{3 Pi/8, -3}, {2.5, 3}}, {{Pi/2, -2}, {3, 2.3}}, LabelStyle -> Medium], {x, 0, Pi}, Evaluate@options]

Specify a type of exclusion to remove.

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Grid[Partition[{ Plot[Floor[x] Tan[x], {x, 0, 2 Pi}, ImageSize -> 250, Exclusions -> "Discontinuities", PlotLabel -> "Discontinuities"], Plot[Floor[x] Tan[x], {x, 0, 2 Pi}, ImageSize -> 250, Exclusions -> "Singularities", PlotLabel -> "Singularities"]}, 2]]

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