Wishart and Inverse Wishart Distributions
The Wishart distribution is the distribution of the covariance matrix of samples drawn from independent multinormal random vectors. It is a generalization of distribution to multiple dimensions. The distribution appears naturally in multivariate statistics such as regression, covariance, etc.
Generate a random positive definitive matrix to use as parameters for the Wishart distribution.
\[CapitalSigma] = DiagonalMatrix[RandomReal[10, 5]];
Matrices from the Wishart distribution are symmetric and positive definite. »
dist = WishartMatrixDistribution[30, \[CapitalSigma]];
mat = RandomVariate[dist];
SymmetricMatrixQ[mat] && PositiveDefiniteMatrixQ[mat]
Inverse Wishart distribution is the distribution of the inverse matrices from the Wishart distribution. »
invdist =
InverseWishartMatrixDistribution[30, Inverse[\[CapitalSigma]]];
invmat = RandomVariate[invdist];
Matrices from the inverse Wishart distribution are symmetric and positive definite.
SymmetricMatrixQ[invmat] && PositiveDefiniteMatrixQ[invmat]
Compare the distribution of eigenvalues for matrices from the Wishart and inverse Wishart distributions.
eigs = Flatten[
MatrixPropertyDistribution[Eigenvalues[x], x \[Distributed] dist],
inveigs =
x \[Distributed] invdist], 10^4]];
For any nonzero vector and Wishart matrix with scale matrix , the statistic is distributed.
y = #/Sqrt[#.\[CapitalSigma].#] &[RandomReal[1, 5]];
data = RandomVariate[
w \[Distributed] WishartMatrixDistribution[30, \[CapitalSigma]]],
Show[Histogram[data, Automatic, PDF, PlotTheme -> "Detailed"],
Plot[PDF[ChiSquareDistribution[30], x], {x, 0, 80}],
ImageSize -> Medium]